Tuesday 10 September 2013

Bhagavate Gajananaya

IN: http://fljuida.com/rubric/2523643/

Ganesha Purana Upasanakanda

Chapter 1

"The sages said, O very wise one who is expert in the Vedas and the Sastras. Repository of all spiritual knowledge, you are the most qualified guru we have found. You are omniscient and of perfect character. You have appeared because of the pious deeds we have performed in this and previous lives. Our life is this world is now very auspicious and we, as well as our ancestors, the Vedas, the sastras, our austerities and hermitages are blessed. 

O best of the Brahmins, we have heard the eighteen Puranas at length and now would like to hear the others as well. For twelve years we have engaged in Saunaka Rsi's great sacrifice and our only reason for stopping is to drink the ambrosia of your tale.

Suta Gosvami said, O illustrious ones, due to your meritorious activities, your questions are very suitable. The inquiries of those who are virtuous and even-minded are beneficial to all living beings. 

O Brahmins, I also feel happiness when reciting these transcendental stories, especially in the association of pure devotees such as yourselves.

In any case, there are also eighteen minor Puranas such as the Ganesha, Narada, Nrsimha, etc. I am going to first recite the Ganesha Purana, which is rarely heard in this mortal world. Simply by hearing it, a person will have all his desires fulfilled. Neither Brahma nor Sesa can describe its majesty. But with your permission, I will recite it in summary. Those who have performed pious activities over many lifetimes are qualified to hear it. But those rebellious souls, atheists and demons will not hear it. 

Since Ganesha is eternal, without material qualities and has no beginning, no one seeks to describe His real appearance. However, those who are devoted and worship Him can describe His appearance, which is full of transcendental qualities. The blessed Lord Ganesha has the form of OM and He is situated as the first syllable of the Vedas. The great sages and demigods led by Indra always remember Him in their hearts and Brahma, Siva, Visnu and Indra continually worship Him, the cause of creation and cause of all causes"

Wednesday 4 September 2013

Ganesh Chaturthi

Ganesh Festival (Chartuthi) ou aniversário de Ganesh / Ganapaty realiza-se a 09 de setembro de 2013.

É conhecido como "Ganesh Chaturthi 'ou' Vinayak Chaturthi '.

Tem a duração de 10 dias e termina no dia 'Ananta Chaturdashi' (18 de Setembro de 2013).

Sri Ganesh remove todos os obstáculos que se interpõem no caminho espiritual de cada ser, ao estar a ele connectado.

É o guardião da vida e do caminho e o mestre interior, senhor da alma divina. 

Que a sua bênção de  prosperidade material, bem como a libertação espiritual esteja connosco, sob a sua graça e vontade divinas!!!

Friday 24 May 2013

É chegada a hora, chegamos ao destino!

Com o caminho iluminado, com a mente, o karma e o coração transfigurados na suprema presença divina, nada mais para declarar do que o glorioso dia em que o dharma superou um destino cruel. 


Citando o poeta e iluminado:

O amor e o desejo são as asas do espírito das grandes façanhas.

Johann Goethe

A hora da façanha e do sucesso, chegou pela tua mãe, tua presença e mão amiga - Lord Ganapaty!


Tuesday 30 April 2013

Make ourselves!!!

Vivekananda Quote

SV RecliningNo one can get anything unless he or she earns it. This is an eternal law. We may sometimes think it is not so, but in the long run we become convinced of it. ... Our karma determines what we deserve and what we can assimilate. We are responsible for what we are; and whatever we wish ourselves to be, we have the power to make ourselves.

Karma Yoga. New York, 1895. Complete Works, 1. 30.

Monday 29 April 2013

Maa Bagala

Mantra Maa Bagala

Gayatri Maa Bagala