Sagrada Família

Pai - Shiva

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Mãe - Durga



A Sagrada Família

Dos vários e dissonantes mitos  que rodeiam Ganesh e de sua mãe, este é um dos menos conhecidos:

"Ganesh is the youngest child of Durga. He, the 'Siddhidata' whose carrier is a mouse, is worshipped as the starter of anything, specially any business endeavours. Even before the worship of Durga starts, Ganesh is worshipped first, to ensure that he lets the Puja get going. Regarding his face which is that of a white elephant, the story goes as follows.  Shani, the brother of Durga, is a god whose eyes are powerful enough to behead one in a single glance. On Ganesh being born, Shani was so happy that he forgot about the power of his glance and went to see his newborn nephew Ganesh. Invariably, Ganesh was beheaded by Shani’s glance. On realising what he had done Shani consulted Lord Narayana immediately and it was Narayana who told him to go in a specific direction and bring the head of the first thing he met on his way, which would remake Ganesh's head. Shani found a white elephant on his way and brought its head to Narayana, who in turn, fitted that head into Ganesh. On being told by Durga that people might not worship this elephant headed funny looking God, Narayana gave Ganesh the boon that Ganesh will be worshipped before starting anything, including the worship of other Gods."


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